Python – The Name of Simplicity

Python – The Name of Simplicity

Evolution of Python

Becoming a popular programming language is not that easy. With respect to every programming language, Python holds its top position with its versatility and readability in development. Python was initially designed in the year 1991 by Guido van Rossum and developed by the Python Software Foundation. The name is inspired by BBC’s TV show – ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’. Due to the diverse programming abilities, anyone can code programs in Python from the Beginner level to the Professional level.

Influence of Python

Being a high-level programming language, Python plays a significant role in the development of different online platforms like Instagram, Netflix, Google, Spotify, etc. Because of its high-end performance and active community support, Python can develop top-end websites, web applications, and much more. Being a simple programming language powered with certain capabilities like easy to learn and use, line-by-line code execution, dynamic typing, extensive library, and cross-platform capability enriches the popularity of Python in the AI world.

Scope of Python

Python can speed up a career in diverse sectors of development like Web development, Data Analysis and Machine learning, Automation and scripting, Scientific computing, Software development, and Game development. By mastering the Python programming language, we can secure our lives with high-paying jobs quickly. Python can cover all the complexities of developers so that it holds a large community support to solve any issue related to programming within seconds. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, top technological organizations like Dropbox, Quora, Mozilla, Hewlett-Packard, Qualcomm, IBM, and CISCO have implemented Python.

Versions of Python

Python holds large library support with immense inbuilt functionalities and tools for development purposes. Its elegant syntax allows developers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code. Python supports dynamic programming models such as object-oriented, procedural, functional, and imperative. There are 2 types of Python namely Python 2 and Python 3. Python 2 is a software that is no longer supported by the Python Software Foundation. Then comes Python 3 which has current and future versions with lots of improvements and functionalities. Python can run on various platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux etc. Python is running on an interpreter that can execute without compiling first, it helps in faster development and easy debugging of programs.

In Developer’s perspective

So when we get into the shoes of a developer, with the rich library support and simplicity in coding, Python holds the first position in various streams like Web development, Software development, Mathematics, System scripting, etc. With its large community support, Immense libraries and frameworks could extend its functionality and capabilities. As an open-source and high-level programming language Python offers much flexibility in programming as compared to many other languages like C++, Java, PHP, etc. According to recent surveys, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the trending technologies and is taught very efficiently at D Soft Technologies.

Job Roles of Python

Enormous job roles are available in this digital world namely – Data Analyst, Product Manager, Data Scientist, Python Web developer, Machine Learning Engineer, etc. An average salary package of 4-8 LPA can be acquired after completing Python.

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